Dulverton Primary School

Whole School Curriculum Intent


Our Curriculum 

At Dulverton, we aim for our children to be the ‘best versions of themselves’. We strive to achieve this through a ‘learning without limits’ culture which begins in our Nursery. Our ambitious curriculum inspires, motivates and challenges the children so that everyone of them can achieve their full potential.


Our curriculum intent is to:

  • Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum taking advantage of the wonderful facilities in our local area
  • Improve the children’s skills and knowledge in each subject
  • Challenge the children through high expectations and no limits
  • Provide the opportunity for children to make connections within and between subjects and how their learning relates to the wider world

To implement this we:

  • Promote reading as the key to all learning 
  • Recognise that children are unique and have their own starting points and therefore adapt teaching to enable all children to succeed
  • Plan and sequence the learning so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before
  • Start each topic with a philosophical question which deepens their thinking around the topic and guides the learning
  • Use a ‘what I know, what I want to know and what I have learnt’ grid to focus the learning on what the children want to know more about
  • Develop the children’s critical thinking by giving them the opportunity to to talk and question
  • Have clear progression of knowledge and skills in every subject based on the National Curriculum
  • Encourage and promote children’s self learning 

The impact of this means that we have a curriculum which:

  • Enables the children to know more and remember more
  • Provides experiences in the classroom, through trips and workshops to enhance the learning 
  • Encourages parental involvement
  • Ensures that our children leave Dulverton Primary School ready for the next part of their educational journey 

See https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum  for more information on the national curriculum.
