Meet Benny
In October 2021, we were delighted to welcome Benny, the school dog to our School community. He has become a real asset to our school and is loved by the children and the staff alike.
Benny is a shih-poo (a shihtzu - pooddle cross) and so his coat is 'hypo-allergenic' therefore reducing the risk of allergies. He is fully trained to work in the school environment. He has a lovely temperament and benefits the children in so many ways.
Miss Beale, Deputy Headteacher, is Benny's legal owner and covers all costs for Benny. The school pays for additional public liability insurance.
Benny comes to school two days a week and has busy days when he is in school. In the morning, he welcomes children into school and they are able to hand feed him his breakfast. Benny loves seeing all the children in the morning and some children also walk him to their classroom.
During the day, Benny spends his time hearing children read, being taken for walks and children popping in to see him to give him extra cuddles! He has a great time! At the end of the day, Benny says goodbye to all the children on the gate and gets lots of cuddles - often from parents and carers too!
Benny enjoying some time with our School Ambassadors
Our House Captains work closely with Benny and organise competitions for the children to enter. We have had a Benny drawing competition which has over 100 entries. The winning entries are displayed in the school reception area. Benny celebrated his first birthday with us in May 2022 and the House Captains set up a competition to make or design a toy for Benny. The entries were excellent! The House Captains had a very hard time choosing a winner from each class and agreed that everyone who entered should receive a prize.
Some of the toys made for Benny's birthday by the children at Dulverton
Benny trying out his new toys the children made with the House Captains
Year 1 had a DT project this year when they needed to make a toy for Benny. The children worked in groups and when the toys were ready, the children sat in a circle and Benny went in the middle to choose his favourite.
Benny chose his favourite toy made by Year 1
Benny at KS1 Sports day