Dulverton Primary School

Structure and Meetings

The Government has set out how Governing Bodies must be constituted in the School Governance 

(Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012. Dulverton has fully applied these regulations in 

developing its own Instrument of Government, which came into effect from 1 September 2014. This 

Instrument sets out that the full Governing Body of Dulverton School consists of 14 Governors. As 

per the Regulations and the Instrument of Government, governors can come from a number of 

different categories, as set out below: 




Method of Appointment



Elected by other parents of children at the school



Elected by staff at the school

Local Authority


Nominated by the London Borough of Bexley



Appointed by the Governing Body due to their specific skills and/or their ability to contribute 

Head Teacher


Ex officio member by virtue of their office


With the exception of the Head Teacher, whose appointment lasts while he/she is in post, all 

Governors serve for a term of four years. The Staff Governor also serves for a term of four years, except their appointment ends if they leave the employment of the school within that time. After this, Governors can be re-appointed or re-elected for further terms of office. 


The full Governing Body normally meets once a term. Once the minutes of the meeting have been approved by the Governing Body, they are available to view in the school office on request. 


The Governing Body delegates most of its work to a series of Committees, of which the principal ones are: 





Monitors the delivery of the school’s curriculum, and considers any inspection reports and the results of pupil testing

Finance and General Purposes

Proposes the annual school budget and monitors the school’s performance against that budget, approves major procurements, and oversees the school’s management of its assets and estate (including health and safety issues)


Approves the school’s staff complement and organisational structure, determines pay and allowance arrangements for school staff, and considers the school’s performance management and staff development arrangements


Committees normally meet once a term (except for Extended Services, which met more infrequently) and report back to each meeting of the full Governing Body.


There are other formal committees that the Governing Body is required to have, but which only meet as and when required. These are: 


  • Head Teacher Performance Appraisal Committee – Agrees performance targets for the Head Teacher and monitors performance against these targets;


  • Pupil Discipline Committee, which only meets to hear appeals against the permanent 

exclusion of pupils; and 


  • Staffing “First” Committee, which only meets to discuss staff discipline procedures or to 

determine staff suspensions or dismissals. 
